Sunday, September 13, 2009

Switching Over!

O.K. so I know it's been a while since the last post (I have to say the pregnancy has taken a toll on me), but there have been some recent changes in blogging.

We now have a new blog to check up on, and I have a feeling it will be well taken care of.

This means that I will probably go ahead and take down this blog page, so go ahead and check out the new page, it's really neat!!
I will add it to the side so you can just click on it and have it take you there.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Prepare Yourselves

Coming March 21st @11:00am

Learn how to effectively grow a garden or even take care of one from a Master Gardener (at least in our eyes he is), Brother Tannery. Even Sister Tannery will get in on the fun by helping us learn what she has learned about growing in raised gardens.

Sure to be an exciting and fun learning experience--not just for the women--all adults are welcome!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"PURSE"-onally For You

It's that time again. Come join us Feb. 26th. For our "Purse-"onal enrichment night. It will be a night you soon won't forget, oh and don't forget to bring your PURSE!
Lot's of Fun, Food andtalking with friends--so come and join in the excitement!
6:30pm NURSERY included!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Upcoming Educational Workshops of Interest by Smith County Extension Office: Gardening Around the Patio, March 11, 2009 and Salsa Workshop, April 21, 2009.

Beans, Beans the magical Fruit . . .

Yeah, you know the rest. What a wonderful night and what great information!!!!

Thanks so much to our wonderful teacher Sister K.

We learned how to make cake using pinto beans, cookies using white beans, 7 layer dip using homemade canned beans (my personal favorite--yummy) and we even learned the basics of canning.

If you would like the information on where to get a good metal on metal canner, try "my links".
There is also info there for gardens.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Preparedness Mini-Class

The 22nd of Jan, we will have a preparedness group. It will be at the Church at 7 pm.
Come and learn to cook with dried beans. Learn how to can them. Learn how to make refried beans. We will have recipes for good soup. and you can even sample a recipe for chocolate chip cookies made with white northern beans.

So, come and learn and have fun!!